1000.00元/台 | |
5台 | |
100 台 | |
自买家付款之日起4天内发货 | |
1380 | |
皮带Belt | |
1270(50in) | |
458 | |
4100 | |
44000 | |
57 | |
<64 | |
1100 | |
380V/50Hz | |
1380 | |
1380 | |
450 |
三和风机特殊的风扇形状设计使其可自行清洁以达到率,扇叶采用克虏伯自洁不锈钢材料经模具冲压成型制成,风量大、不变形、不断裂、不挂灰、美观;不锈钢厚度:1.2mm、表面光洁度:BASanhe fan blade is special designed for the biggest efficiency which made of Krupp stainless steel by punch forming. Large air volume, no deformation, no broken, no dust, attractive and durable. Thickness 1.2mm, surface finish BA grade.
离心打开机构可百叶窗完全打开或关闭,使百叶窗开启时阻力小,风机流量大;关闭时严密,能有效阻挡舍外的风和光线进入鸡舍;采用尼龙PA66制成,确保打开机构使用寿命;打开机构部件链接均采用铜铆钉链接,耐磨不生锈,灵活性好,降低摩擦系数;导向杆采用304不锈钢外加特殊材料,强度、不生锈、降低摩擦系数;Centrifugal system open the shutters at complete 90 degree to ensure the lowest air resistance and biggest air volume. When close, the sealing can efficiently block light and wind into the poultry farm house. As the first one adopt high quality nylon PA66 to ensure the long service life. The fasteners of centrifugal system all are copper rivets, wear-resisting and no rust, flexible. Guide rod is made of 304 stainless steel, ensure the high strength, no rust, reduce friction.
外框均采用镀锌层厚度275g/m²的热镀锌钢板,有效提高风机抗腐蚀性能力;百叶窗链接件采用尼龙制成,确保使用寿命,打开灵活;百叶窗厚度分别采用0.8mm和1.5mm热镀锌板制成,百叶片今后不变形,运行平稳;Frame adopts Hot Galvanized sheet with zinc thickness of 275g/m², which extremely improve its anti-corrosion performance. Shutter fixed parts are made of high quality nylon which ensure long service life, open flexibly.Shutters are made of galvanized sheet with thickness of 0.8mm and 1.5mm, ensure shutters no deformation, running stable.
皮带采用日本进口三星皮带,确保使用寿命,免维护;2010年将A型皮带改为B型,使皮带使用寿命在原来基础上增加3倍;Belts are Japanese Mitsuboshi brand, ensure the long service life, maintenance free. From 2010 the first adopt Type B belt which 3times longer service life instead of type A.
电机有裕韵三和电机和西门子电机供客户选择,可根据客户需要电压、频率定制;电机均采用防护等级:IP55、绝缘等级:F级;Both Yuyun Sanhe brand motor and Siemens brand motor are available. Motor voltage and frequency can be customized. Motor protection grade IP55, insulation class F grade.
扇叶皮带轮、铝法兰均采用高强度铝镁合金压铸而成,重量轻、振动小;并经过喷砂处理外观漂亮、消除内应力,有效提高自身强度;Fan belt pulley and flange are made of high strength aluminum-magnesium alloy by die-casting. Light weight, lower vibration. Blast-sanding treatment for attractive appearance, eliminate internal stress to improve its own rigidity and stability.
电机挂板固定铆螺母由圆型铆螺母改为六角形铆螺母连接,并加有不锈钢垫圈,铆接强度大大提高、会转动;Motor plate fixed nuts, first change round type to hexagon type. And with stainless steel washer, more firmly, never loosen.
风机两侧加有塑料提手,使风机搬运、装卸方便,设计合理、不伤手、外形美观;Fan side frame with plastic handle, easy to carry, convenient to load, reasonable design without injuring hands, beautiful appearance.
风机采用铝合金拉杆重量轻,不变形;拉杆上加有耐磨滑套,有效提高配合间隙,降低摩擦系数,确保百叶窗开启灵活;拉簧采用304不锈钢制成,长期使用不变形、不生锈;Linking parts are made of aluminum alloy,light weight,no deformation,added with wear-resistant shaft sleeve.Reducing friction to ensure the shutters open flexibly.The spring is made of 304 stainless steel,long service life,no deformation,no rust.
风机垫圈均采用不锈钢制成,外观漂亮。不生锈;Standard parts especially the washer as fastener parts are made of stainless steel, no rust, beautiful appearance.
风机轴承均采用法国进口双列轴承,特殊的防水设计,使水不能进入轴承,强度高、噪音小、寿命长、免维护;Fan bearing adopts imported double-row bearing with special waterproof design. High strength, low noise, free maintenance and long service life.
The fasteners fixed on both ends of blade support are changed from traditional iron plates to aluminum magnesium alloy base, traditional welding connection to plug-in connection which has greatly reduced the friction coefficient, fixed more firmly, avoided rust and improved the appearance.
风机扇叶均经过的电脑动平衡测试仪校正,动平衡量控制在1g之内,使风机运行平稳、振动小、噪音小、增强整机稳定性,扇叶材质可用不锈钢、镀锌板、铝合金制造;Fan blades are adjusted by intelligent dynamic-balance tester, the weight tolerance of each blade is controlled within 1g. Ensure the fan smooth running, lower vibration, less noise, increase stability. Blade material have stainless steel ,galvanized sheet, aluminum alloy for option.
风机均采用热镀锌立柱、热镀锌保护网,今后使用过程中不生锈;Hot-dip galvanized blade support and safe net ensure never rust.
风机完全改为数控流水化生产,准确掌握产品质量,达到国际同行业的高水平,外型美观。Complete new CNC production line improved fan quality up to top grade, aesthetic appearance.
山东裕韵三和机械有限公司 | |
陈艳丽 |
18263656739 | |
18263656739 | |
无 | |
无 | |
无 | |
风机,水帘 | |
http://sanhejixiegongsi.b2b.huangye88.com/m/ |