面议 | |
5台 | |
不限量 | |
自买家付款之日起3天内发货 | |
1380 | |
1270 | |
466 | |
44000 | |
58 | |
<64 | |
1100 | |
380V/50Hz | |
1380*1380*420mm |
DJF(q) series Small Shutter Push-Pull Exhaust Fan ( Double Rotational Hammer)
采用双甩锤式百叶窗打开机构,风机百叶窗运行时完全打开或关闭,将百叶产生的风阻降到低,有效提高风机运行效率;打开机构均采用尼龙PA66制成,确保打开机构使用寿命;打开机构部件均采用304不锈钢铆钉连接,耐磨不生锈,灵活性好,降低摩擦系数;Use the shutter opening device with double rotational hammer to guarantee that they can be completely opened or closed, minimize the wind resistance and greatly improve the operating efficiency;the opening device is made of PA66 nylon in high quality in order to guarantee their service life; All the parts of opening device are connected through 304 stainless steel rivets which are wear-resistant, anti-rust, with good flexibility and reduce the friction coefficient.
扇叶采用高强度防锈铝合金板材经模具冲压成型制成,扇叶光滑、重量轻、不挂灰、噪音低、外形美观;扇叶直径由1250mm增至到1270mm,大大提高风机运行风量和效率;扇叶厚度2.3mm;Blades are made of high strength anti-rust aluminum alloy plates by punching forming. They are smooth and light with low noise and good appearance. At the same time, it is not easy for dust to accumulate on them; Their diameter is extended from 1250mm to 1270mm which has greatly improved the operating air flow and efficiency; the blades are 2.3mm in thickness;
皮带轮采用高强度铝镁合金压铸制成,重量轻,耐腐蚀性能强,减轻扇叶重量;皮带轮表面均经过喷砂处理,提高美观度、消除内应力、有效提高自身强度,断裂;Belt pulley is made of die-casting aluminum-magnesium alloy in high strength which is light and corrosion-resistant and reduces the weight of blades; their surfaces are treated by sand blasting to improve their appearances, eliminate internal stress, greatly improve their own rigidity and guarantee they will never break;
电机有裕韵三和电机和西门子电机供客户选择,可根据客户需要电压、频率定制;电机均采用防护等级:IP55、绝缘等级:F级;Both Yuyun Sanhe brand motor and Siemens brand motor are available. Motor voltage and frequency can be customized. Motor protection grade IP55, insulation class F grade.
风机轴承均采用进口双列轴承,强度高、噪音低、寿命长、免维护;型号:30600037Exhaust fan use imported double-row bearings with high strength, low noise, long service life and free maintenance; Model: 30600037.
百叶窗密封条由单层设计改为双层设计,密封件更加牢固、密封性能更加良好;密封条延伸设计穿透边框铁板,百叶窗转动时由以前的和铁板转动摩擦改成轴套摩擦,大大降低摩擦系数,百叶窗开启更加灵活;Shutter fixed clips are improved into double layers from old single layer, which get a better sealing; The friction coefficient between fixed clips and rotational arm is much smaller than the old type whose caused by the rotational arm directly with plate. This new design gets the shutter a flexible opening and closing.
采用原装进口MITSUBOSHI品牌的皮带,质量保障、使用寿命更长久;型号:A86Adopt MITSUBOSHI brand belt imported from Japan, whose quality is guaranteed and service life is much longer; Model: A86
风机加装有皮带调节装置,调节简单。需要调节皮带松紧度时,仅需要松动一个螺栓(电机锁紧螺栓),用17扳手顺时针拨动调节装置即可增加皮带紧度;Equipped with a belt adjusting device which is the motor locking bolt. Adjust it clockwise with No.17 wrench to tight the belt.
外框板材均采用热镀锌钢板制成,采用275克/平方的高镀锌层板材,使用寿命长,抗氧化能力强;外框材质也可定制304不锈钢或者430不锈钢;Frame is made by excellent hot galvanized sheet(zinc thickness is 275g/㎡). Which has a longer lifespan and strong anti-oxidation. Frame can be made of 304 or 430 stainless steel.
山东裕韵三和机械有限公司 | |
陈艳丽 |
18263656739 | |
18263656739 | |
无 | |
无 | |
无 | |
风机,水帘 | |
http://sanhejixiegongsi.b2b.huangye88.com/m/ |